Amen Vanity

Amen Vanity
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Lady Gaga on john lennon`s piano

well this is in the "late but better than nothing department" Lady Gaga plays on john lenno`s
white piano Yoko Ono`s house the image was posted on twitter HERE

Lady Gaga backstage with GREYSON CHANCE!

The great talented kid is known for singing paparazzi by
lady gaga at his school. now he met her backstage. on twitter
he tweeted "i met lady gaga she is so kind, gave me some good
advice and put on an amazing show!!!" you can follow him

Tweet To Meet Lady Gaga!

Tweet to meet Lady Gaga at a sold out concert in
the prize includes a flight to Las Vegas for you
and a freind. 2 nights hotel,tickets to monsterball
200$ and meet Lady Gaga Backstage!

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